Property Taxes you need to pay while buying a home
Puranik City Neral |
Know the taxes you need to pay when you invest in the Puranik Future City residential apartments in Mumbai.
Now if you are buying Ready-to-move in properties, the case is little different. You will be taxed much earlier, and these are outside the ambit of GST. The components involved are:
The registration charge: This process includes recording the documents such as the transfer, sale or lease of a property with a registering officer which is mandatory by Law. If any property is not registered, the owner of the property will not be able to contend any case in the court. Registered property document protects the buyer in case of alleged transactions and frauds. Registration fees is decided by the local government and varies from state to state but is typically 1% of the Agreement value.
Puranik City Neral Apartment |
The Stamp duty charges: It is a kind of income or sales tax given to the government and is about 5% of the market value of the property. Nonetheless, it can be higher in some states. The buyer has to pay stamp duty before the registration of the property at a designated bank and any delay with this can attract huge penalty. The government issues a ready reckoner rates based on which stamp duty is calculated. And, unless it is paid, the property would not receive a legal status. The charge calculated is paid on each transaction from the exchange of documents to the execution of instruments.
Then comes your TDS Tax Deducted at source is introduced under a new section in the Income Tax Act. During a sale transaction TDS is deducted at some percentage of amount. Any individual, when buy a property pays TDS to the seller by way of consideration for transfer of an immovable property, that does not include the agricultural land. The TDS is submitted in the name of the seller of a property. It is deducted at 1% on immovable property where the consideration exceeds 50 lakhs.
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